Wallstein Verlag

Susanne Fritz



211 pages
ISBN: 978-3-8353-5402-9


German Version

How much do origin and childhood shape us? Is there a second life beyond the old experiences? A search for traces.

Heinrich is a creative mind, successful architect and entrepreneur. At his drawing table, he develops forward-looking ideas. He comes from a difficult background: As the only child of a divorced woman and a member of the German minority, he grows up in the poverty-stricken quarter of a small Polish town. When the Germans invaded in the fall of 1939, the young man was offered opportunities for advancement, which ended in war service and Russian captivity. In 1949 he arrives in West Germany, where he starts a family and succeeds in a dizzying career. His unloved background, however, haunts him beyond his successes. The story begins with an accident: a large mirror shatters. Shortly before, little Heinrich had seen his future in it, which now seems lost. Unless the broken pieces can be reassembled into a whole.
Susanne Fritz sets out in search of her father, combining dream and memory, chronicle and fiction. It is nothing less than the human enigma: what can we know about the other, what about ourselves? How much do our origins and childhood shape us, is there a second life beyond the old memories?
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